
Google Chrome says my website is not secure

Google Chrome Marks Websites as Insecure

Beginning in July, Google Chrome, the world’s most popular web browser, will start marking ALL websites as insecure if they are not running under HTTPS. Is your website ready? Are your client websites ready?

If you are not sure if your website is secure, just open up a new tab or browser and go to https://YOUR-WEBSITE-HERE    (of course you will put your website where in place of  YOUR-WEBSITE-HERE  above)

If you get to your website and see this:

How to fix Chrome Insecure SSL Warning

Then this means that your website is potentially not secure or it is setup incorrectly.

You will want to contact your current host or contact us and we can get a new Digital Security Certificate for you and install it. If you are unsure of what to do, please contact us and we will help you.

If you would like to purchase a Digital Security Certificate, please go here. We will install it for free after purchase.


Here are 4 more reasons to make your website secure with  HTTPS:

  • SEO — Google says it’s way past time to move your websites over to HTTPS. They are now giving an SEO ranking boost to secure sites. Simply put, you’ll rank better in SEO.
  • SECURITY — SSL protects your site data and visitors. It encrypts data transferred over the web, like form submissions and credit card transactions.
  • E-COMMERCE —If you’re taking any payments on your website, SSL is non-negotiable. SSL is an absolute must for e-commerce and membership websites.
  • AFFORDABILITY — In the past, SSL certificates could get expensive, but the rapidly transforming web landscape has made switching to SSL practical and affordable.
    (partial content above by email from Cory Miller, CEO iThemes Security)
James Byrne, Information Architect (USMC VET), is a web and app developer, designer, consultant and search engine optimization expert since 1992. Over the past few years, James and his team at After Dark Grafx have successfully transferred hundreds of client websites to HTTPS.

NOTE: If you are NOT HOSTED WITH AFTER DARK GRAFX, we will need the following:
A) Control Panel Access to your website. In most cases this is all that we will need.

B) FTP Access: Only if the Control Panel Access above does not provide the correct information needed to make the necessary changes.

C) WORDPRESS: If you would like us to update your WordPress Installation, please let us know as additional fees will apply based on your theme and configuration. We will need your WordPress Admin access in order to provide an estimate or simply create a new WordPress user and give it admin access then provide the username and password to us.  You can then delete this account if you do not hire us or if we are finished with your website.

Questions? Contact Us Today!
Call Toll Free 1-888-578-8300 or (619) 702-7377

