Magento SEO



Magento is now Adobe Commerce

For years, Magento SEO has been lacking. Adding Magento SEO Modules and Plugins along with PPC was basically the only way to get your Magento Website listed and to rank #1 in the search engines.

By utilizing a competent team of Magento SEO Experts, like After Dark Grafx will ensure success for your search engine optimization goals.

We take a granular approach to Magento SEO by analyzing your website speed, on-page technical SEO, off-page SEO listings, SEO back links, competitor analysis and more and offer suggestions and solutions to help your search engine listings soar!

Build multi-channel commerce experiences for B2B and B2C customers on a single platform. From catalog to payment to fulfillment, our future-proof technology gives you a commerce platform that’s endlessly flexible, extensible, and scalable.

Whether you are hosted with your own host or with Adobe, we can assist with making your eCommerce Store SEO Friendly.

We will then provide “off-site” SEO services to get your website top listings in the search engines.

We will first analyze your existing website, your competition and their rankings. We will take into account the latest trending keywords and focus on the top searched keywords for your campaign.


Questions? Contact Us Today!
Call Toll Free 1-888-578-8300 or (619) 702-7377

If you do not know the answers below, skip them. We will do the rest!


*Off-Site SEO Services = Back link services, guest posting on external blogs, image sharing, video sharing, ad posting on pr websites and others, etc. Basically, this is everything that is done NOT ON YOUR website to help with getting traffic to your website.

Frequently Asked Questions About Magento SEO

Is Magento SEO Friendly?
Yes and No. Magento SEO takes more than just adding some meta titles and meta descriptions to your pages and products. Although there are a few excellent SEO modules you can add to Magento, a detailed, custom SEO solution that combines On-Site Magento SEO Solutions as well as Off-Site Magento SEO Solutions is the way to go.

How to do SEO On Magento
1) You must first conduct targeted keyword research utilizing SEO tools, Google Keyword Manager and other software to get the best keywords to market.
2) Create meta title and meta descriptive tags that entice the user to click
3) Create an XML sitemap to submit to Google Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, etc. for improved indexing
4) Create Descriptive URLs that match the page intent and keyword.
5) Test your website for responsive design featuring mobile-first optimization.
6) Optimize your website for speed. It IS a ranking factor and slow websites rank lower.
7) Add structured data for rich snippets. Use Google’s Structured Data Tool Here to test your web pages. Rich Results Test.

Is Magento better than WooCommerce for SEO?
They both have pros and cons but it is easy and there are more plugins to help with SEO on WordPress/WooCommerce.

Still Have Questions? Call Toll Free: 1-888-578-8300