Off Page SEO

Off Page SEO - Off Page Search Engine Optimization - San Diego SEO Company

What is Off Page SEO?

Off page SEO is that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that focuses on updating and maintaining images and content, sharing, blogging, link sharing and all that is needed to help your website get listed in the search engines and hopefully rank on the first page.


What does Off Page SEO mean for my website?
Once your website has been optimize utilizing On-Page SEO techniques, your website is then ready to be remitted to the search engines and otherwise marketed online.

Your website then needs to be optimized and coded correctly to conform with and to make your website “search engine friendly” before any type of Off Page SEO is started.

Unless you hired a very good Website Designer / Developer like After Dark Grafx (wink wink), your website, out of the box, may not be search engine friendly. This means that the developer did not put in place those things that are necessary along the lines of image optimizations, coding conventions and speed enhancements to make your website ready for “Off Page SEO”

In order to obtain top listings in the search engines, you will need to utilize an SEO PLAN that takes advantage of On Page SEO, Off Page SEO, Retargeting, PPC or Paid Ads and other Social Media Marketing and optimizations.


What Does Off-Page SEO Include:
As part of our Search Engine Optimization Plans, we initially evaluate your website to see how much optimization or “On-Page SEO” needs to be completed before we can focus on Off-Page SEO and all that is involved for SEO once your website is ready for submissions to the search engines.

Off-Page SEO Includes but not limited to the following:

— Image Sharing
— Video Sharing
— Off Page SEO Linking
— Guest Blog Posting
— Social Media Sharing and Bookmarking
— Community Building
— Press Releases
— Classified Website Remissions
— Backlink Building from Authoritative Websites (good not spammy with high domain authority)


Ready to Get Started?
We provide a FREE, NO OBLIGATION Consultation as well as Free Website Analysis




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