Miva Development


Miva Developer – Miva Web Designer – Miva Consulting

Miva.com has been around for a while now. With their pivot to mostly enterprise clientele, smaller to medium size vendors are in need of Miva help, Miva Consulting, Miva Development Services, Miva Technical Support and Miva Website Design that won’t brake the budget.

Do you need a:

Miva Expert
Yes. We are Miva Experts. Now that that is out of the way, After Dark Grafx has been developing for Miva Merchant pretty much since their inception so…if you are in the market for the following, please contact us.

– Miva Developer
We have been programming for Miva since the days of ol’.

– Miva Designer / Miva Website Designer
Even with Miva’s new page builder, you will still need a professional Miva Website Designer to accomplish your masterpiece.

– Miva Coder
Already said this above, but yeah, we have been coding for over 30 years.

– Miva Consultant
Looking for a few pointers? What Miva Apps to install? How to market your Miva Website? How To Make Your Miva Website Search Engine Friendly or Rank High in the search engines?

– Miva App and Module Help, Install, Config
Yes. We can help with this too.

– Miva Migration Help
Interested in Migration from Miva to Shopify? Migrate from Miva to Big Commerce? Migrate from Miva to WooCommerce? OR Migrate from Shopify to Miva? Migrate from Big Commerce to Miva? Migrate from WooCommerce to Miva? – No matter which way you wish to migrate, we can help.

– Miva Help in General
Sometimes you just need a little direction or simple Miva Updates. We do that too.

– Miva Script Help
Advanced Miva Script not your thing? Give us a ring!

– Miva Coding Help
Same as above but added this to the list because some people search this way.

– Help with Miva
Miva eCommerce can be somewhat of a daunting platform. As Miva progresses and adds more functionality, ease of use and other WYSIWYG options, the platform itself becomes easier to use, but until you have mastered the new features of Miva, we are here to help.



Q. I am just starting my business, should I use Miva?
A. Miva offers a customized approach to your business. Monthly pricing plans with Miva are tied to revenue. They assess how much you are making per year and then base your monthly hosting costs based on this number. However, pricing is negotiable is some cases and not all clients will want to move forward with their platform. Their platform is robust and geared towards Enterprise clients, offers a full suite of functionality and is a workhorse. There are other less expensive eCommerce systems available and a better option for companies that are just starting out. Once you have  sales and outgrow your system, you could then transition to Miva.

Q. Is Miva or Shopify Better?
Q. Is Miva or Big Commerce Better?
Q. Is Miva or WooCommerce Better?

Answer to all 3 questions above is simply, let’s chat about your current needs as each platform has pros and cons.


Feel free to contact us Toll Free (888) 578-8300 or fill out the contact form below.