Category: Google Analytics

Google Analytics 4 is replacing Universal Analytics

Google Analytics UA EOL

The Love – Hate Relationship with Google.

Yes, Google rules the world. And now, we must obey or be exiled into obscurity.

Google Analytics 4 – July 1, 2023

Today Google notified users of the traditional Google Universal Analytics platform that it will be end-of-lifeing (EOL) the use of the UA platform for tracking analytics on your website and focusing on its new Google Analytics 4 Property.

What does this mean to you? Right now, as of April 18, 2022, nothing. BUT, you should start considering integrating their new tracking code into your website over the next few months and have it in place before their end of life date.

Why is Google Getting Rid of Google Universal Analytics?

It was their initial main platform for tracking analytics on websites only. The new Google Analytics 4 Property or G4 as it is called in tech circles, allows you to embed your tracking code on websites, apps and other resources in order to track all of your analytics across all of your service offers. It is faster and provides detailed analytics beyond its predecessor.

How Do I Add Google Analytics 4 to My Website, App, Etc.

The tracking code is similar to Google Universal Analytics. You can copy a snippet of code and add it to your medium or simply contact After Dark Grafx for assistance (hourly rates apply).

Can I add Google Analytics 4 to My Existing Website and Keep Google Universal Analytics In Place?

YES! We highly recommend that you add the tracking code now, in addition to your Google Universal Analytics Property so that you can get used to the way that the analytics are viewed and fed into Google.  Once you add your tracking snippet, you can then toggle between the Universal Analytics and the new G4 Analytics easily. Then, once there is no longer any data for the UA version, simply delete it if you like.

This way, you can get used to, and optimize the new the G4 for all of your product offerings. You will want to test to be sure that your eCommerce conversions and other integrations are picking up data correctly.

Need Help Implementing the Google Analytics 4 Property onto your website, app, other? Contact us to discuss.



Here is the email that was sent out today from Google:

“Google Analytics 4 is our next-generation measurement solution, and is replacing Universal Analytics. On July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits. If you still rely on Universal Analytics, we recommend that you complete your move to Google Analytics 4.

Now’s the time to create a new Google Analytics 4 property and ensure that your setup is complete. If you haven’t started collecting data in your Google Analytics 4 property, you should do so now. This will allow you to gather the historical insights you need to measure your results over time when Universal Analytics stops processing hits. If you are already collecting the data you need in Google Analytics 4, you should ensure your remaining setup is complete.

You can continue to use and collect new data in your Universal Analytics properties until July 1, 2023. After that, you will be able to access your previously processed data in Universal Analytics for a period of at least six months. We know your data is important to you and we strongly encourage you to export your historical reports during this time.

In the coming months, we will provide a future date for when we will fully sunset Universal Analytics. On this sunset date, you will no longer be able to see your Universal Analytics reports in the Analytics interface or access your Universal Analytics data via the API.

If you have questions on successfully making the switch to Google Analytics 4,”

Need Help Implementing the Google Analytics 4 Property onto your website, app, other? Contact us to discuss.


By: James Byrne, Owner, Information Architect (USMC VET)


Shopify Developer San Diego - Air Cooled Vintage Works

Air Cooled Vintage Works – Shopify Design & Development

After Dark Grafx announces the launch of

After Dark Grafx Shopify Web Design services along with our Shopify Development services, enabled Air Cooled Vintage Works to quickly launch their Shopify Store. initially contacted After Dark Grafx to provide Shopify Consulting Services. After Dark Grafx was then retained to perform the Shopify Design, Development and App Installation and configuration.

“After Dark Grafx offered a custom website development and design to focus on product sales and conversion. They setup and integrated Facebook Shop, Instagram Shopping, Shopify payments, shipping and inventory management and offered  Custom Shopify Development and coding solution to optimize our product pages. They held our hand through the process, always just a quick email or call away. They created How To Videos so we understood how to update certain sections of the website and just made it an excellent experience.” – Jason – Owner


Web Development Company - Shopify Air Cooled Vintage Works Homepage


The Shopify Platform is a robust eCommerce platform with a low barrier to entry along with a “simple to use and understand” interface, this platform allows for businesses large and small to offer and manage a professional eCommerce website without a lot of training.  Easily track inventory, hook into your financial booking and shipping systems and easily manage and process orders make Shopify the “GO TO” eCommerce solution for you.


If you need Expert Shopify Help or just have a simple Shopify Question, please feel free to contact us even if you are not doing business with us.
