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Best SEO Experts San Diego

We are often ranked and asked if we are one of the Best SEO Experts San Diego. Humbly, we say yes!

Best SEO Experts San Diego

I know, it is a big thing to say that we are the Best SEO Experts in San Diego, but our client’s results are the proof in the pudding. We do not take on hundreds of clients in the same industry. Rather, we offer best expert SEO services for only a handful of clients in each industry. This way, we are not competing with ourselves for best rankings.


– 75.5% of users do not even scroll past the first page on the search engines ( SERPs )

– 72.3% of the links that search users click on are organic links. They think that companies that are paying for ads are more expensive.

– 93.5% of online experiences begin with a search in a popular search engine.

– You don’t need to rank for hundreds of general keywords. Rather focus on a handful or more of “long tail keywords”. These are keywords like best seo expert in san diego rather than seo expert” which is generic and has a ridiculous amount of competition. Even better would be best SEO expert in san diego, California”  but most people will leave off the last part.

– Companies who focus on blogs, social media and content get 98% more backlinks from authoritative domains (this means good websites)

– Your Website must be ready for SEO. Just because you have a website does not mean you will get ranked in the search engines. Rather, your website will need to be optimized for speed (check yours here:, gtmetrix or



Is your Website Ready for SEO?
If not, contact us for a FREE, NO OBLIGATION REVIEW.





Google is king of all of the search engines. This is just a fact. When we provide our expert SEO services for your website, we focus on the Google Search Engine first. The reasons are obvious. Ranking for just a handful of the RIGHT KEYWORDS for your business will exponentially increase your ROI (return on investment). Once ranked in Google, the rest of the engines will quickly follow suit.


Your website should rank organically and not have to rely on paid ads or PPC (Pay Per Click Advertising with Google or other entities). Your website should first rank for your local products or services that you offer in San Diego. Or for the area of interest that you are targeting. Clear call to actions, landing pages and focused content is the best way to convert your new search engine optimized traffic.


If you are in need of immediate traffic to your website, then a PPC (Pay Per Click Campaign) may be the way to go to generate some buzz and get some immediate traffic as your organic seo services gets underway.


Keyword Research
Local / Organic SEO
PPC Ads for Google / Facebook / Instagram
Google AdWords / Facebook Ads + Display
On-Page SEO Content Optimization
Off-Page SEO Content Optimization
Off-Page Social Content Optimization
Youtube Video SEO / Video Creation / Vimeo
Site Speed Optimization (WordPress Focused)
Backlink Building – Authoritative Websites
Retargeting / Remarketing
Blog Posts / Copywriting
Content Creation
Landing Page Creation
Lead Capture
SEO Conversion / CTR (Click Through Rate Optimization)
Image Sharing
Video Sharing
Technical SEO Optimization
Meta Title Optimization
Meta Description Optimization
Website Audit and Optimization
Info Graphic Creation
Monthly Reporting and Suggestions
and much more…




I am still confused…

No problem, just contact us. We will do all the work without blowing your mind on the technical details. As we go through this process,

Q. What is ON PAGE SEO

A. On Page SEO is that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that is performed on your website to get your website ready to be submitted to the search engines.
Learn more about On-Page SEO 




What is PPC SEO


How Long Does Organic SEO Take?

Do you Guaranteed My Website Will Rank #1 in Google?

What is SEO?

What are the Benefits of SEO?

Organic SEO or Pay Per Click (PPC) Paid SEO?

Is there a SECRET SEO Strategy?

I Lost Most of My Website Traffic from the last Google Algorithm update. Can you help me recover?

Do I have to Sign a Contract for your Monthly SEO Services?
YES! Only so that you understand the terms of the service and what is involved and what to expect. However, you are not locked into a monthly payment plan. So, if you experience tough times and need to suspend or cancel your account, you may do so, but we always ask to contact us first as we may be able to work with you on a temporary budget whilst you recover from your situation.

How Long Will It Take Before I Make Sales From SEO?
Unfortunately, SEO, both organic or paid, is not a guarantee that you will convert traffic into buying customers. It is up to the product or service and the correct calls to action to “do something” on your website along with a strong brand that will ultimately, hopefully, convert to sales. Testing keywords and Paid Ads takes time to create, market and review results and to see if the message is “hitting home” to the end user. It is a long process, but once refined can have excellent results. It is a marathon, not a sprint. 

Can I Buy A Few Months of SEO Services?
A few months is not enough time to see results of any type of marketing campaign let alone SEO. Organic SEO typically starts to have an affect on traffic in as little as 2-3 months but typically 6 months to a year. Remember, this is a marathon and not a sprint. You cannot force it to go any faster. You have to continually optimize, market, create and update content on a monthly basis in order to reap and maintain top listings in the search engines. If you sign up for a program and start to see results then decide to stop since you have some great listings, your rankings will fall quickly once you cancel or stop the service and it will be harder to get them back to where they once were if you decide to restart the program.

My Website is Brand New and I Do Not Get Any Traffic
New websites face a sort of “uphill battle”. Since your domain or website has no real brand or personality online (called domain authority) , creating targeted keyword pages, offering valuable content that changes weekly or monthly, being active on your own and external blogs, social media platforms and so forth, building clean, internal and external links to your as well as having a fast mobile website experience will help to launch your website into web world. Take a look at your top competition and copy them, but do it better.

*seo facts taken from various resources around the web. no “one entity” was chosen to remit this data, rather an average of all data compiled at the time of this blog post.
